At the end of a long days gardening and once the veggies are asleep, there's nothing Mr Bloom likes to do more than get together with a few friends on the allotment and play some songs in his shed. In fact, it's so much fun he's decided to take his Band out and about... 

Mr Bloom & His Band are guaranteed to get families dancing and singing. The show features all the musical hits from the TV shows as well as numerous cheeky covers including Queen, Guns n Roses & Vanilla Ice. There’s plenty of audience participation led by Mr Bloom’s trademark humour, along with a special guest appearance from ‘Peggy the Dancing Bean’, (cue the ABBA cover).

They can be unplugged or plugged to suit the occasion at hand. Duration tailored to suit your requirements but typically 45 minutes. For more details please get in touch. 

Credit to Lindsay Melbourne & Geronimo Festival

Credit to Lindsay Melbourne & Geronimo Festival